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Digital comes up trumps

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:52 am
by willsandbills
Just installed Weiss int 202 plus benchmark dac i got from ken. Signal from itunes on my mac mini ( prob install amarra today) and through my supratek pre amp, into hovland saphire and then onto the ESP concert grands

Wow super sound and the absolute convenience of being able to hop between tracks and between cds, seems the way to go.

The weiss converts firewire into a signal for the benchmark/

DOnt know if my wadia has long term prospects now, still no hasty decisions

Re: Digital comes up trumps

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:26 pm
by Ken Moreland
Hi Willie, glad to hear you're getting a good result from the Benchmark, it's very solidly built and flexible. Try downloading something like this ... 3431102762 and sit back and enjoy.