Anything to do with computer audio, hardware, software etc.
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Post by iori »

elaprince wrote:Is there anyway to have that music player folder in different place?
yes and no.

yes (for all w8/ws2012 versions except test ver ) if all necessary files : mqncontrol.exe, mqnloader.exe, mqnplay.exe, paste.exe and mqn.bat are within the same folder, and the mqn.bat is modified with this line "cd c:\musicplayer" disabled by adding a "rem" in front.

the line should look like this : rem cd c:\musicplayer

no (for recent win10 versions) - mqnplay.exe (v36) is still hardcoded to access C:\musicplayer

I used to keep different versions under different sub folders with descriptive names for easy reference and comparison.

BTW, with mqnPlay v36, control/loader v25 and win10 Home (clean install), I thought I was listening to LP12.
Posts: 202
Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:11 pm


Post by elaprince »

Thank you
Will try it now
Let you know if it works
Posts: 202
Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:11 pm


Post by elaprince »

It doesn't work
I use win 2102r2
I did modify MQn.bat with your line and still gives an error that cant find c:musicplayer loader and play

Any other ide what I could be doing wrong?
Or maybe you can post whole MQN.bat modified ?
Thank you
Posts: 35
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:43 pm


Post by iori »

this is my mqn_noParam.bat
I had the [for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort Files.txt`) do echo %%~ni ] sections disabled to play files with name in double byte for CJK (Chinese, Japan, Korean), though this should'nt be the cause.

Code: Select all

@echo off

rem =====  this path reference is not a must, as long as all required files are placed under same folder ===
rem =====  multiple folders in different names can be made to describe version and sonic characteristics ===
rem c:
rem cd\MQn\20131020_268sse4intel

Title MQn - Just good music 

taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqnplay.exe /F >nul
taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqncontrol.exe /F >nul

rem net stop "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager"

del Files.txt /q

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('CHCP') DO FOR %%B IN (%%~A) DO SET CodePage=%%B

chcp 65001 

rem === changes to handle blank Files.txt under Win 7 ==================================================
rem === sorting of track order for files copy and folder copy is lifted ==== applicable to Win 8  ======
paste > File1.txt

rem paste > param.txt
rem echo off
rem file
rem for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort param.txt ^| FIND /I ".wav"`) do echo %%i >> File1.txt
rem if exist file1.txt goto :crlf
rem folder
rem for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort param.txt`) DO for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b "%%i\*.wav"') do echo %%i\%%f >> File1.txt
rem :crlf
rem ====================================================================================================

rem remove cr/lf from last line

setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion

set "firstLineReady="
    for /F "eol=$ delims=" %%a in (File1.txt) DO (
        if defined firstLineReady (echo()
        set "firstLineReady=1"
        <nul set /p "=%%a"
) > Files.txt"

del File1.txt /q

CHCP %CodePage% 

set TIMESTAMP=%TIME:~0,2%:%TIME:~3,2%:%TIME:~6,2%
echo Playback commenced - %timestamp%
rem for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort Files.txt`) do echo %%~ni


rem lets play music

MQncontrol --file ".\Files.txt"

 rem pause


@echo on

Posts: 202
Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:11 pm


Post by elaprince »

I will copy everything to MQN.bat see if it works
Thanks again
Posts: 1381
Joined: Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:26 pm


Post by Aleg »

elaprince wrote:It does not work still looking for c folder even after editing
Can someone help with this please?
Thank you

Cannot be done. C:\musicplayer is hardcoded into the programs at the moment AFAIK.
HDPLEX;picoPSU;ASUS Q87M;i7-4770T;PH SR7EHD;Server2012R2;Thesycon 2.24;
JCAT USB;Sonicweld DiverterHR2;Naim DC1;Chord Hugo;Morrow Audio MA6;Naim NAC-282,SuperCapDR;NAP-300;
AQ Cinnamon;GISO GB;Netgear Pro+XM21X;Cisco SG300;NAS-ZFS.
Posts: 202
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Post by elaprince »

I did try it and it doesnt work
If you also have that folder in C: it does work no matter where is MQN.bat located it plays but musicplayer has to be in C:

If there is any other way please feel free to post it

Maybe Gordon can chip in

Aleg seems like you are right again

Thank you

iori wrote:this is my mqn_noParam.bat
I had the [for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort Files.txt`) do echo %%~ni ] sections disabled to play files with name in double byte for CJK (Chinese, Japan, Korean), though this should'nt be the cause.

Code: Select all

@echo off

rem =====  this path reference is not a must, as long as all required files are placed under same folder ===
rem =====  multiple folders in different names can be made to describe version and sonic characteristics ===
rem c:
rem cd\MQn\20131020_268sse4intel

Title MQn - Just good music 

taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqnplay.exe /F >nul
taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqncontrol.exe /F >nul

rem net stop "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager"

del Files.txt /q

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('CHCP') DO FOR %%B IN (%%~A) DO SET CodePage=%%B

chcp 65001 

rem === changes to handle blank Files.txt under Win 7 ==================================================
rem === sorting of track order for files copy and folder copy is lifted ==== applicable to Win 8  ======
paste > File1.txt

rem paste > param.txt
rem echo off
rem file
rem for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort param.txt ^| FIND /I ".wav"`) do echo %%i >> File1.txt
rem if exist file1.txt goto :crlf
rem folder
rem for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort param.txt`) DO for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b "%%i\*.wav"') do echo %%i\%%f >> File1.txt
rem :crlf
rem ====================================================================================================

rem remove cr/lf from last line

setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion

set "firstLineReady="
    for /F "eol=$ delims=" %%a in (File1.txt) DO (
        if defined firstLineReady (echo()
        set "firstLineReady=1"
        <nul set /p "=%%a"
) > Files.txt"

del File1.txt /q

CHCP %CodePage% 

set TIMESTAMP=%TIME:~0,2%:%TIME:~3,2%:%TIME:~6,2%
echo Playback commenced - %timestamp%
rem for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort Files.txt`) do echo %%~ni


rem lets play music

MQncontrol --file ".\Files.txt"

 rem pause


@echo on

Posts: 97
Joined: Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:22 pm


Post by adolfo.a.aguiar »

I need some help. The last MQn version I used successfully was ldn v15. No sound since the device id moved to mqnparam.txt.
The mqnplay versions with hardcoded device id work fine.
The contents of the musicplayer folder is:

The MQn_ is a bat modified to use Foobar, tasker and play flac and mp3. The MQn.bat is the current.

The MQn screen appears


and the mqncontrol screen also opens up and closes after a few seconds.

I use mqndevinfo>>mqnparam.txt to retrieve my dac info.
No sound, no exception...
SDTrans384 with 1X5V and 3x3.3V supplied by A123 batteries, Soekris DAM1021 Rev2 with +-12V and 3.3V supplied by A123 batteries, Salas hotrodded DCB1, LM3875 Gainclone and IPL Acoustics S2TLM transmission line speakers
Posts: 1381
Joined: Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:26 pm


Post by Aleg »

adolfo.a.aguiar wrote:...

I use mqndevinfo>>mqnparam.txt to retrieve my dac info.
No sound, no exception...

If you have more than one USB sound device connected, remove them all except the one you want the USB deviceID of.
I had multiple connected and I got the wrong one each time until I removed the rest.
HDPLEX;picoPSU;ASUS Q87M;i7-4770T;PH SR7EHD;Server2012R2;Thesycon 2.24;
JCAT USB;Sonicweld DiverterHR2;Naim DC1;Chord Hugo;Morrow Audio MA6;Naim NAC-282,SuperCapDR;NAP-300;
AQ Cinnamon;GISO GB;Netgear Pro+XM21X;Cisco SG300;NAS-ZFS.
Posts: 35
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:43 pm


Post by iori »

May be I'll try to find out later on, in the work house.
One thing for sure, all my version folders are placed in a separate data SSD. C drive does not hold any version folder or musicplayer. It just serve for OS installation, optimization, again and again.
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