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Music computer advice please

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:23 pm
by iain
Hi, i am on the hunt for a Lampi 7 and trying to decide what to feed it with. I have seen a second hand Item Audio T1gen iv for £875. It has an intel i3. Would this be a good place to start? Or am i better off starting from scratch? If so. Where!!!

I feel confident about assembly and general soldering.



Re: Music computer advice please

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:47 pm
by Diapason
Iain, you're in the right place!

Re: Music computer advice please

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 10:26 pm
by nige2000
Item Audio T1 gen iv
is that not current edition ?
what components is in it?
items audio pc's are probably better than most, although there's no problem building your own with a wide variety of options

theres lots of reading and research done here
heres a couple of threads

Re: Music computer advice please

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:15 pm
by iain
Thanks guys.

Spec i3 ivy bridge, pico psu, SOtm usb, upgraded with oscon caps. 4g ddr3 ram, 500gb ssd. I have already got a 3tb hd. Made in 2014

Will take a look at those links.

I suppose I am wondering if the price on the above makes it a good starting point, or a scratch build better value and easier to get better performance.

Thanks for the help.

Re: Music computer advice please

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:46 pm
by nige2000
is the pico been powered via a power brick?

whats the building budget?

Re: Music computer advice please

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 5:45 pm
by Sligolad
Clean Linear or Battery Power.
USB out through separate clean powered USB Card.
Reduce all clock frequencies on your PC.
Isolation device on your USB line to DAC.
USB Regen.

You are probably half way there with what you have but as Nige asks it depends on your budget.

Cheers, Pearse.

Re: Music computer advice please

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 6:37 pm
by iain
The pico would be powered from a mains filter (currently in use for rest of system apart from power amp)budget max £2k in total, but would prefer to get going and upgrade later. I.e start with something cheaper and upgrade up to a £2k total, realising that likely to keep going beyond eventually!

So is this T1 a good starting point at the price? Or better to buy new parts and case etc? Presumably starting with a higher spec processor?



Re: Music computer advice please

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:33 pm
by nige2000
iain wrote:The pico would be powered from a mains filter (currently in use for rest of system apart from power amp)budget max £2k in total, but would prefer to get going and upgrade later. I.e start with something cheaper and upgrade up to a £2k total, realising that likely to keep going beyond eventually!

So is this T1 a good starting point at the price? Or better to buy new parts and case etc? Presumably starting with a higher spec processor?


not what i meant
is the pico powered by a linear supply or one of these smps

you can put a high end processor in it if you want
i consider it a waste of upgrading money
audio pc mostly all about noise and jitter not horse power

you will likely build new and more modern cheaper than with the older t1

power supply is a great place to prioritise something like this ... utput.html

Re: Music computer advice please

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 8:28 pm
by iain
Not sure about the pico psu, but if i could do better with a scratch build, i will try and land the Lamp first.

Thanks for the advice guys. I will be back!


Re: Music computer advice please

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 11:37 pm
by sima66
nige2000 wrote:
iain wrote:The pico would be powered from a mains filter (currently in use for rest of system apart from power amp)budget max £2k in total, but would prefer to get going and upgrade later. I.e start with something cheaper and upgrade up to a £2k total, realising that likely to keep going beyond eventually!

So is this T1 a good starting point at the price? Or better to buy new parts and case etc? Presumably starting with a higher spec processor?


not what i meant
is the pico powered by a linear supply or one of these smps

you can put a high end processor in it if you want
i consider it a waste of upgrading money
audio pc mostly all about noise and jitter not horse power

you will likely build new and more modern cheaper than with the older t1

power supply is a great place to prioritise something like this ... utput.html
I want to convert my Zuma with Pico/Brick into every day PC, but I dont have the connector what brings 12V into the Pico.
Any idea what kind of connector I need and were I can find?