Valvet Soulshine (part 2)

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Valvet Soulshine (part 2)

Post by Saxman »

Hi All
Further to my last. Soulshine landed set it up put on a. LP.
The sound was thin. Very poor sound stage, little bass but good separation of vocals and instruments.
Checked connections to see if correct. They were.
The overall sound appeared to be stuck between both speakers with very little forward projection.
Played it for about seven hours no real change.
Changed back to my mastersound preamp it was like night and day the music exploded through the room.
The valvet has four rca inputs. These are not marked on the selector control such as aux, phono, CD etc.
There they are all the same sensitivity.
I can only put the poor sound down to a mismatch between the valvet and the mastersound 845 monoblock amps. Disappointing indeed moral of the story don't buy hifi gear until you have heard it on your own system if possible.
Valvet now returned 🤔
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Re: Valvet Soulshine (part 2)

Post by Fran »

Words to live by there - even if its not always possible!
Do or do not, there is no try
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