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Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:56 am
by Diapason
Thing is though, I've heard them before on many occasions and while I admire some aspects of what they do, I know for a fact they wouldn't suit me as an all-purpose speaker. Still, enough people seem to love them that I think it might be an interesting experiment for smaller-scale music, and I'd be able to find out once and for all what all the fuss is about and whether I "get" these speakers. To do what I want would require a bit of regular messing rearranging the room, fiddling with cables, etc. I'd be concerned that I'd simply never listen to them as a consequence.

I've contacted the other shoulder to ask its opinion...

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 12:05 pm
by Diapason
A practical question: can you put Quads very close to side walls? By close, I mean virtually touching? My room is very narrow...

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:01 pm
by Ivor
Diapason wrote:A practical question: can you put Quads very close to side walls? By close, I mean virtually touching? My room is very narrow...

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:33 pm
by jaybee
they'd even be good room treatments while doing A/B testing!!

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:18 pm
by DNT
Dowser wrote:Looks like I'm going to accept an offer of €400 for these - any members here interested at this price?

At that price I would nearly go for them myself, except that I have nothing to drive them and nowhere to put them! In another life, maybe!

God luck with the sale and with your move.


Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:33 pm
by Diapason
Well, in a strange turn of events, my good lady has persuaded me to give them a go. After all, what's the worst that could happen?

Dowser, can I pop in and see them/hear them at some stage? I assume they're working properly and all that? I'm not a man with the skills required to tinker!

ETA: Her only complaint now is that after our email exchange, she's getting google ads for hifi and sound systems all over the place.

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:24 pm
by Rocker
Ivor wrote:I came home from the hifi show yesterday and fired up the oul' valves. Now I heard some great systems yesterday but when I dropped the needle on some vinyl at home I was 100% content with my lot. No Vitus envy, no coveting my neighbours DcS.
Well said Ivor. I did exactly that too, I don't have a vinyl spinner nor QUADs but I too am content with the sound of my system as it is. Definitely no dCS or Vitus envy.

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:43 pm
by Diapason
Don't want to go off-topic on Dowsers thread, but your response earlier caught my eye too, Rocker, and I thought it was interesting. Ultimately, I think a lot depends on what you get out of this hobby. While for some people "it's all about the music" I certainly don't feel that way about it: I love the toys, and I feel no shame in saying that. Now, I love the sound of my system at the moment, I've listened to it more in the last few months than I have in the previous few years, and it makes me happy every time I turn it on, but that's not the end of the story for me. If I wanted "set and forget", I probably wouldn't read hifi forums or magazines or any of the stupid stuff that many of us do. I'd like to think I'll always be curious about what something else sounds like, and I've long since accepted that some things sound better to equipment that I own.

I know you've said before, Rocker, that you hate the whole upgrade thing, so I suspect we have very different views on it all. I see no contradiction in admiring and indeed envying other equipment while still loving my own. I'm confident that it will never, ever be possible for me to get to "100% content", and in truth I'd be disappointed if I ever got there.

Yes, I'm a chronic sufferer of audiophilia nervosa.

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:59 pm
by Ivor
Diapason wrote: ... If I wanted "set and forget", I probably wouldn't read hifi forums or magazines or any of the stupid stuff that many of us do. I'd like to think I'll always be curious about what something else sounds like, .....

Yes, I'm a chronic sufferer of audiophilia nervosa.
Well just for the record (no pun intended) I was looking with interest at TTs and if there were carts on display I would have drooled on them too. It never actually stops, but until the next significant upgrade it will be just isolation and other peripherals. A slow down perhaps but it never actually stops.

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:05 pm
by Diapason
Glad to hear it!